This narrative of God's Word is like the Gospel of Luke 16:19-31 Lazarus and the rich entitled when he says "the crumbs that fall from the table," because in both cases the crumbs are not physical but spiritual, because it is the living bread come down from heaven, Jesus. The Jews had bread in abundance, the law and the prophets and thought it was theirs alone and do not share what it really was a big mistake because from the beginning of salvation was open to all, and it is clear from many examples in life Caleb and Joshua who together were those who believed in the promise of God regardless of circumstances. See Caleb was not Jewish, but the tribe of the Canaanites quenezeus (Js14: 6). And this was one of the twelve spies, he represented the tribe of Judah from which our Lord descended. There is plenty of bread on the table (the church) that makes the difference, but the key is the desire to eat this bread and share, so with Caleb, Lazarus, the Canaanite woman and many others and have to be like us.Otherwise it is useless abundance on the table, except to court, because "there are those who much is given much will be charged LC12: 48." Open your eyes while you can, example? The rich man in Luke 16.
By: Ralph Castello.
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In Christ,
Lucy *** ***
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